Our Team

Marie Jeanne Munanga Hamuli

Executive Director and Coordinator of Transforming Communities.

Rev. Dr. hc.  Marie Jeanne Munanga Hamuli is the Executive Director and Coordinator of Transforming Communities within Transform DRC (TDRC).

Prior to joining TDRC, she served as Secretary in the Office of General Academic Affairs at Free University of Great Lakes Countries (ULPGL) as well Coordinator of Women’s Programming and then Country Director for ALARM-Congo for 21 years.  She currently is on faculty at Nazarene Theological Institute and an Associate Pastor at Church of the Nazarene International and Katindo Nazarene Church in Goma, DRC, and she is at the same time the Director of Female Clergy within Church of the Nazarene International Africa Region.

She holds two degrees, one in Theology and another in Health and Community Development, from Nazarene Theological Institute.  She was awarded a Doctorate (honoris causa) in Christian Leadership and Church Management by Dominion Mission Theology at the University of Ghana in collaboration with the Free University of the Great Lakes Countries.

She is married to Col. Olivier Hamuli and the mother of 4 boys (two biological and two adoptive).  In her free time, she enjoys talking with friends and likes singing and watching police movies.

Theophile Kanyabugoyi Manirarora

Vice Executive Director in charge of Programs and Coordinator of Developing Servant Leadership

Rev. Dr. hc Theophile Kanyabugoyi Manirarora is the Vice Executive Director in charge of Programs and Coordinator of Developing Servant Leadership for Transform DRC (TDRC).

Prior to joining TDRC, he served as farm manager Mufa in Masisi territory from 1985-1987, Pastor evangelist of Kazinga station on behalf of the Assemblies of God from 1990-1991, Chaplain of Buabo secondary school from 1991-1993, Chaplain of Nazareen college of Gisenyi/Rwanda from 1993-1994, Director of Maanja secondary school in Masisi, Chaplain at Furaha secondary school in Goma from 2000 to 2003. He served ALARM Congo as Coordinator of Youth Advocacy Program, Coordinator of Emerging Leaders then as Coordinator of Developing Servant Leadership from 2003-October 2023.  He is currently Rapporteur Secretary of the Synods of the Church of Christ in Congo, North Kivu Province. He is also the North Kivu Provincial Delegate of the ECC/34th Community of the Assemblies of God in Africa.

He holds a degree in Practical Theology at the Baptist University in Congo (UBC-Goma).  He also holds a degree in Community Development, Project Management and Administration option from University Francophone des Grands Lacs (UFRAGL) as well as a degree in Theology from the Free University of the Great Lakes Countries of Goma with in-depth experience in servant leadership, peace building and church management.  He was awarded a Doctorate (honoris causa) in Christian Leadership and Church management by Dominion Mission theology at the University of Ghana in collaboration with the Free University of the Great Lakes Countries.

Theo is married to Domitila and they are blessed with 8 children and 2 grandchildren.  In his free time, he enjoys fellowshipping with friends and listening to evangelical music.

CT John Modest Mutayongwa Karubama Coordinator of Peace Building and Reconciliation

Josue Kwizera Kanyabugoyi Water Project Manager

Dorcas  Masika Ombeni Social Assistant in Human Rights Department

Me Isaac Munanga Michael Coordinator of Human Rights

Habumuremyi Mahindure Enimery Night Guard and Spiritual Affairs Leader

Jean Pierre Nsengiyumva Kanyamanza Administrative Assistant and Accountant

Pascal Kanyamukenge Didier Driver

Tchongo Amani Jean de Dieu Day Guard